We invite you to our immersion, where we share our authentic body of work developed over years of practice and collaboration. Our focus is on providing yoga in its purest form—free from the fabrications of certifications, gimmicks, and the illusions of mainstream yoga holidays.
In this immersion you will be guided through 3 hours of rigorous morning practice and 3 hours of integrative learning and restorative afternoon sesssions.
Our teachings are enriched by the lineages we've encountered over the years—Iyengar, classical Hatha, Functional Movement, Tibetan Magical Movements (Trulkhor), Yin, Nidra and Thai Reusi Datton.
We cultivate a dedicated self-practice that combines these techniques.
Through trial and error, we find inspiration for the sequences we teach. Sharing these insights and experiences has become our life’s work.
Example of a daily schedule:
0800 - 0900 Mantra, Breathwork and sequenced preparative opening movements
0900 - 1100 Sukshma Vyayama (Hatha - Kundalini)
1500 - 1800 Mantra, Satsang, Yin, Nidra, Bandhas, Breathwork and Visualisations.
During these 6 + 6 days, with one rest day, we will dive deep into our practice. Through the repetition of mantras and sequences, you’ll integrate these teachings into your personal practice. Our approach is centered on the principle of "less is more," providing simple, clear instructions that, through disciplined repetition, will help us all reach a flow state during these 13 days. We aim to create a space for genuine learning and exploration—no certificates and no end goals. This is a pure practice that goes beyond asana.
The structured format of this immersion is designed to help you fully connect with your inner being. We welcome both beginners and advanced practitioners, but we do ask for full commitment and a dedicated mindset. Be prepared to explore your limits and engage in an inner dialogue with whatever arises through action and reaction.
Prior to the immersion, dietary suggestions will be provided, and classical Sat Karma Kriyas will be available for those who wish to delve deeper.
Our team includes certified fascia therapists and multi-disciplinary bodyworkers. Hands-on adjustments and fascial release techniques will be applied during asana practice. If you prefer not to have any physical contact during your practice, please let us know.
This is a non residential retreat. Accommodation are available subject to availability. Book fast as high season accommodation are scarce. We can assist you with your accommodation plans. We do strongly suggest a minimal set up, free of distractions and a space for rest and reflection.
Price for immersion 900USD.
Drop in 2500THB for the day or 1500 morning/afternoon session
Please click here for accommodation links -->>

"Let go of what has passed,
Let go of what may come,
Let go of what is happening now,
Don´t try to figure anything out,
Don´t try to make anything happen.
- Mahasiddha Tilopa
Yoga is living life from the heart.
Our teachings are enriched by the diverse lineages we've encountered over the years, including Iyengar, classical Hatha, Functional Movement, Tibetan Magical Movements (Trulkhor), and Thai Reusi Datton. We cultivate a dedicated self-practice that weaves these techniques together.
Through trial and error, we find inspiration for the sequences we teach. Sharing these insights and experiences has become our life’s work.
We call our collective SARPA YOGA. SARPA unites elements of Thai, Hatha, and Tibetan practices. By layering these approaches, we create an inner space to experience both coarse and subtle energy, cultivating focal awareness, strength, flexibility, and stamina—physically and mentally.
Our immersions are raw and pure, embodying the essence of our work. **Śuddha**, which means purity in Sanskrit, is about stripping away the mental and physical clutter that holds us back. It represents a state of being free from the attachments, aversions, and ignorance that weigh us down.
Purity isn’t merely an ideal; it’s essential for genuine spiritual growth and awakening. It involves clearing the fog in our minds and hearts to see clearly and connect more deeply with the sacred. **Śuddha** encourages us to clean house—both inside and out—so we can live authentically without the baggage.
We are grateful to teach, practice, and collaborate with dedicated yogis and yoginis from around the globe, sharing this journey with those who seek an authentic transmission of yoga.

Get in Touch With Us
For inquiries or to book your immersion, feel free to reach out to us.
Our team is here to assist you on your path.